
In the last decades, concerns regarding the negative impact of agricultural activities on the environment, natural resources and even human health are growing, and in this regard, there is a need to approach interdisciplinary scientific research that will lead to solutions regarding assortment, ecological pre – and post – harvest technologies.

The declaration of the fruit sector as a priority sector for Romania’s agriculture and the introduction within the PNDR 2014-2020 of a Fruit Thematic Subprogram, with substantial funding dedicated to this field, requires innovative solutions from fruit research for implementation in new orchards, in order to increase technical and economic competitiveness in the field and the reduction of fruit imports. An important part of the beneficiaries of the projects approved for Sub-measure 4.1a „Investments in fruit farms” (it is estimated that about 20,000 ha are achieved), requested ecological technologies. Thus, in the period 2016-2017, out of the total areas designed and approved by Research Institute for Fruit Growing Pitești Mărăcineni and the network of fruit resorts, over 40% require ecological technologies.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) define organic agriculture in the “Codex Alimentary” as an “integrated system for managing the agricultural production process, which contributes to supporting and strengthening the resistance of the agroecosystem, including biodiversity, biological cycles and soil biological activity”.

In the worldwide and in our country, the organic system of fruit growing and berry species is at the beginning. In the case of some fruit species, such as apple, peach, apricot and berries, the ecological, biological or organic system is applied on larger areas in the countries of the European Union, USA, as well as in other countries. In this context, the crops of pome fruits, stone fruits, nuts and fruit berry, can bring important economic and social benefits, especially in the ecological system, as the growing demand for fruit is known both nationally and on international markets.

In Romania, organic agriculture comprised, at the level of 2016, an area of ​​226,309 ha, respectivelly 1.73% of the total. Perennial crops occupy only 10,689 ha in the case of Romania, respectivelly 4.7% of total organic agriculture nationwide. From the point of view of fruit species in the ecological system, 6,353 ha are registered in Romania, of which 4,205 ha in the complete ecological system and the rest in conversion (FIBL, 2018). In 2013, in Romania were included in the ecological system 1,420 ha of fruit trees and berries (Eurostat, 2018).

Therefore, the general objective of the project is to increase the institutional capacity of RDI in the field of organic fruit growing system of the public research organizations members of the consortium.

The increase of productive capacity and economic performance are dependent, first of all, on the assortments of fruit trees and berries suitable for organic cultivation, but also on the application of nutrition and phytoprotection technologies with products allowed in organic farming, as well as the use of storage technologies of fruit to prolong their storage and processing.

Thus, regarding the assortment, the requirements of fruit growers regarding the choice of assortment in establish the organic plantations are increasing and therefore the introduction of new Romanian varieties and rootstocks, tolerant to biotic stress accentuated by climate change in recent years, can contribute to economic revival of organic fruit production

Considering the demand for new varieties, the ecological paricularities of the favorable culture areas for fruit trees and berries, the economic and social context, the results obtained so far in breeding of varieties and rootstocks and the high potential of autochthonous and foreign varieties and genetic resources available, the general objective was to identify, evaluate and promote the best varieties of fruit trees and berries, with genetic resistance / tolerance to diseases and pests, suitable for organic fruit growing system.


Regarding to nutrition of orchards, current soil management strategies depend mainly on inorganic chemical fertilizers, which have been a serious threat to human health and the environment.

Consumers and producers of organic products understand organic farming as the production of fruit without the use of synthetic chemicals. In reality, however, the problem is much more complex than excluding the use of synthetic pesticides and other chemical inputs, because a number of specific cultural measures must be applied in organic farming

In organic farming, the basis of fertilization is natural organic fertilizers, those prepared according to a special technique (biodynamic composts), bio-fertilizers (contain microorganisms) and natural mineral fertilizers (phosphorus flour, natural potassium salts, etc.).

Fertilization is an essential technological link in the formation of fruit yield, and the existence of a recipe, doses and moments of application of fertilizers for a certain crop and under certain conditions, is a necessity. Agriculture in general and fruit growing in particular is a local science, so the development of a fertilization technology valid for a specific species or even a variety, in a pedo-climatic zone and for a level of fruit production per unit area, it is very useful.

Regarding the phytoprotection of fruit plantations, it can be said that, in the context of climate change, the range of pathogens and pests is also in a continuous dynamic (new pests appear), their biological cycle undergoes changes, which require ecological control solutions (products, moments optimal, doses, etc.). At present, when the agrochemical offer has evolved spectacularly, offering a multitude of fertilizers, ecological pesticides, biotechnical and biological methods, it is necessary to try them and improve the ecological technologies of phytoprotection of plantations and fruit nurseries, with selective products for useful entomofauna, non-polluting man and the environment.

In the field of mechanization, according to Annex II to Directive 2009/128 / EC, pesticide application equipment must operate reliably and be used properly for the purpose for which it was designed to ensure that pesticides can be dosed and distributed exactly.

In terms of fruit storage, post-harvest technologies have the role of prolonging the life of the fruit, fresh or processed, being a component that adds value to organic production and also reduces production losses during peak periods. At European level, the European Commission finances through the CORE Organic program a series of projects that contribute to finding technological solutions that ensure the quality and food safety of organic products throughout the production / storage / processing flow.


The objectives of the third stage of the ECOTEHNOPOM complex project, 2020 are:

Project component 1:

– Creating genetic variability in order to obtain new varieties for organic fruit growing system;

– Evaluation of the existing biological material for the promotion of varieties and rootstocks destinated for ecological fruit growing system;

– Molecular testing of varieties with field resistance / tolerance to diseases;

– Submission of documentation for the registration of new varieties suitable for ecological systems;

– Workshop – Assortments suitable for organic fruit growing system.


Project component 2:

– Experimentation of the proposed models and evaluation of the impact of the application of experimental variants on ecological nutrition and phytoprotection technologies in fruit growing;

– Demonstration of the utility and functionality of the spraying equipment equipped with an automatic system for detecting the characteristics of the target culture;

– Development of a joint RDI program in the field of pre -harvest ecological technologies for multiplication and exploitation of fruit species;

– Wide dissemination of results on the web page of the project manager: and / or through scientific communications at national and international level;

– Workshop – “Organic fruit growing – from plant to fruit” on the final results, with the participation of consortium partners and guests – farmers to present the results and discussions on the possibilities of implementation and extension at regional and national level.

Project component 3:

– Orchard testing of the effectiveness of nutrition and phytosanitary protection products for organic fruit growing;

– Releasing product prototypes;

– Elaboration of a joint RDI program;

– Dissemination of results on a large scale.

Project component 4:

– Experimentation and validation of post-harvest ecological technologies applicable to fruits obtained from organic fruit growing: storage technologies applicable to organic fruits; minimum dehydration processing technologies applicable to organic fruits; minimum freezing processing technologies applicable to organic fruit;

– Validation of sets of indicators regarding the quality of organic fruit stored and processed under different technological conditions in order to improve technology;

– Development of patented documentation for storage technology in a controlled atmosphere;

– Elaboration of patent documentation for minimum processing technology by drying organic fruits;

– Workshop – Organic Post-harvest Technologies;

– Elaboration of a joint RDI program;

– Dissemination of results


Results obtained in the third stage of the ECOTEHNOPOM complex project, 2020:

Project component 1:

– Making 16 hybrid combinations (4 apple, 3 plum, 5 sweet cherry, 4 peach / nectarine) to broaden the selection base;

– Evaluation in the selection fields and selection of 21 hybrids (8 plum, 13 sweet cherry) selected for the next evaluation stages;

– Establishment of 5 field trials (1 apple with 196 hybrids, 1 plum with 9 elites at ICDP Pitești Mărăcineni, 1 peach with 20 genotypes at SCDP Constanța, 1 hazelnut with 9 genotypes and 1 walnut with 21 genotypes at UCV-SCDP Vâlcea);

– Preparation of a molecular analysis bulletin in order to identify the scab resistance genes Vf in some apple varieties;

– Evaluation of disease-resistant varieties – 127 varieties evaluated for recommendation for extension in organic fruit growing (13 apple, 14 plum, 5 plum / rootstock combinations, 14 sweet cherry at CO and 10 at P2, 3 blueberry, 2 honeysuckle, 1 chokeberry, 35 peach / nectarine, 21 walnut and 9 hazelnut); 1 plum tasting sheet – panel test evaluation;

– Preparation of 3 applications for registration at ISTIS Bucharest: one variety of plum (DARA), one of peach (Sel. X-VT) and one of walnut (H12-33-95); 1 patent application at ISTIS Bucharest (REDVAL walnut variety);

– Elaboration of 5 ISI scientific papers; 1 popularization article;

– Organizing a workshop at RIFG Pitești-Mărăcineni and one at RSFG Iași; 4 scientific communications;

– Participation in the conference – USAMV Bucharest – Agriculture for Life-Life for Agriculture (June 4-6, 2020)

Project component 2:

– Preparation of the experimental report;

– Development of 18 databases useful for developing new or improved ecological technologies for propagation and exploitation of fruit species;

– Elaboration of a report demonstrating the functionality of spraying equipment;

– Elaboration of the Joint RDI Program on a total complex project;

– Elaboration of 7 scientific papers ISI / BDI;

– Organizing a workshop at RIFG Pitești-Mărăcineni;

– Presentation of 4 scientific papers at the conference – USAMV Bucharest – Agriculture for Life – Life for Agriculture (June 4-6, 2020) and at the International Symposium ISB – INMATEH Agricultural and Mechanical Engineering 2020 – Section 1 Power and Machinery

Project component 3:

– Preparation of two Reports of testing the effectiveness of nutrition and plant protection products;

– Preparation of two Reports testing the chemical-physical properties and cytotoxicity;

– Development of a file for two nutrition products – Bio S Fertilizer and Bio Z Fertilizer;

– Elaboration of a file for the phytoprotection product BioFungiMix 19;

– Contribution to the Joint RDI Program on a total complex project;

– Elaboration of an ISI / BDI scientific paper

Project component 4:

– Experimentation report – Technologies Improved / New for storage in a controlled and modified atmosphere;

– Experimentation report – Technologies Improved / New of minimum processing;

– Research report tests qualitative indicators;

– Development of patented documentation for storage technology in a controlled and modified atmosphere;

– Elaboration of patent documentation for minimum processing technology;

– Contribution to the Joint RDI Program on a total complex project;

– Organizing a workshop at USAMV Bucharest – Organic Post-harvest Technologies;

– Elaboration of 4 scientific papers.


To improve the skills of human resources, type B checks were carry out: training courses for 6 young researchers from RIFG Piteşti Mărăcineni at USAMV Bucharest, 2 young researchers from RIFG Piteşti Mărăcineni at RSFG Bistrița, as well as for 2 young researchers from RSFG Iași at RSFG Constanța.


In order to strengthen the research capacity of the partner institutions, various research equipments were purchased: water tank for irrigation in ecological plantations, geomembrane for covering the water basins necessary to avoid the formation of algae in the irrigation basins; photo lens and room sound system, cultivator, computers, etc.


In order to increase the visibility of scientific results, 3 workshops have been organized and articles and scientific papers have been published or are being published at conferences in the country and abroad, such as:

Workshop entitled “Assortments suitable for organic fruit growing system”, in 3 stages: Blueberry Day – in June, Plum Day – in August and Apple Day – in mid-September, organized by RIFG Pitești Mărăcineni. At these events, the latest varieties registered were presented both in a fruit exhibition and in the experimental fields and fruit tastings were performed by different consumers: private farmers, high school students, students at the Faculty of Horticulture from University of Pitești, pre-university and university teachers, as well as researchers from different research units partners in the project and not only. The following papers were presented: „Blueberry genotypes recommended for organic plantations in Romania”; „Plum varieties with perspective to extend in commercial orchards” and „Apple genotypes with genetic resistance to scab. Also, at RSFG Iași, a workshop was organized – Cherry Day in June, at which the report Cherry varieties created at RSFG Iași was presented;

Workshop entitled „Organic fruit growing – from plant to fruit ”, in 3 stages: Blueberry and Cherry Day – in June, Plum Day – at the beginning of August and Apple Day – in mid-September, organized by RIFG Pitești Mărăcineni At these events the consortium partners presented the partial results of the project component 2, on ecological protection and nutrition technologies. This event was attended by private farmers, high school students, students at the Faculty of Horticulture from Univeristy of Pitesti, pre-university and university teachers, as well as researchers from various research units’ partners in the project and not only;

Workshop – Organic Postharvest Technologies, organized on June 5, 2020, by USAMV Bucharest during the Conference for Agriculture for Life – Life for Agriculture.

Article and scientific papers:

  1. Behaviour of some plum cultivars under ecological conditions from Arges area/2020/Scientific papers Series B. Horticulture, Vol. LXIV, no. 1 / Butac M., Kazlouskaya Z., Chivu M., Zamfirescu B. / published;
  2. Influence of some rootstocks on the growth, yield and fruits quality at the Jojo plum cultivar/2020/ Scientific papers Series B. Horticulture, Vol. LXIV, no. 1 / Zamfirescu B., Hoza D., Butac M., Chivu M. / published;
  3. The influence of temperature variations on ultrastructural characteristics at Prunus persica. Proceedings of the IV Balkan Symposium on Fruit Growing, Acta Horticulturae 1289, vol 1, pag. 179-190, ISBN 9789462612877, ISSN 0567-7572/2020 / Gavat C., I. Caplan, L. Septar, V.A. Oprita, E. Doroftei / published;
  4. The behavior of some sweet cherry cultivars in Southeastern Romania. Proceedings of the IV Balkan Symposium on Fruit Growing, Acta Horticulturae 1289, vol 1, pag. 97-104, ISBN 9789462612877, ISSN 0567-7572/2020 / Caplan I., V.A. Oprita, C. Moale / published;
  5. Biological properties and fruit quality of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) cultivars from Romanian assortment, Agronomy Research, Estonia, Doi: (indexed ISI)/2020 / Corneanu Margareta, Elena Iurea, Sorina Sîrbu / published.
  6. Yield and fruit quality of some plum cultivars in ecological system. Romanian Horticultural Journal, vol. I / Butac M. and Chivu M. / accepted;
  7. Biological tools for controlling the main pests of sweet cherry. Fruit Growing Research, vol. XXXVI / Sumedrea M., Călinescu M., Marin F., Chivu M./ accepted;
  8. Evaluation of an organic treatment scheme against Eurytoma schreineri Schreiner. Bulletin UASMV, Horticulture 77(2): 137-140. 19th International Conference Life Sciences for Sustainable Development. USAMV Cluj-Napoca-Environment protection, 24-25 September 2020 / Moldovan, C., I. Zagrai, L. Zagrai, A. Maxim, G. Guzu / published;
  9. Preliminary Results On The Efficacy Of Some Organic Insecticides Against Aphids to European Plum. International Conference “Agriculture for Life, Life for Agriculture”, USAMV Bucuresti, 4-6 iunie 2020. Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture. Vol. LXIV, No. 1, 2020: 135-140 / Moldovan, C., I. Zagrai, L. Zagrai, Maxim, A. / published;
  10. First year reaction of some early highbush blueberry varieties grown in containers to organic fertilizers and pest control. Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture. Vol. LXIV, No. 1, 2020: 21-26. / Asanica A., Popescu D., Stanica F., Temocico G. / published;
  11. Response of potted raspberries and blackberry varieties to organic technology measures in high tunnel system, Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture. Vol. LXIV, No. 1, 2020: 27-32. / Asanica A., Popescu D., Stanica F., Temocico G. / published;
  12. Current state concerning the construction of soil modeling equipment for compartmented furrows. International Symposium ISB – INMATEH Agricultural and Mechanical Engineering 2020 – Section 1 Power and Machinery and was published in the Volume of Scientific Papers of the Symposium, pag. 364 – 370, Print: ISSN 2344 – 4118; Online: ISSN 2537-3773; indexat BDI / Marin A.M, Manea D., Biriș S., Olteanu B.G, Miron I.C., Stefan V., Popa L. /published;
  13. The effect of ecological fertilization on growth and yield of Aronia melanocarpa (Michx.) Elliot, `Melrom` Romanian cultivar. Fruit Growing Research, vol. XXXVI / Mirela Călinescu, Ivona Enescu (Mazilu), Emil Chițu, Mădălina Butac, Mihaela Sumedrea, Liviu Bălăuță / accepted;
  14. The influences of post-harvest technologies on ‘Centenar’ plums quality. XIII International controlled and modified atmosphere research conference with publish in Acta Horticulturae / A. Stan, M. Butac, V.A. Ion, I. Bezdadea-Cătuneanu, M. Frîncu, L. Bădulescu / in evaluation (due to the current situation the conference was moved to August 15-18, 2021, and the paper remained with the status „fulltext received” and „Await review”).
  15. Post-harvest technologies influences in organic ‘Tita’ plums quality. Scientific Papers. Series B, Horticulture, Vol. 2, 2020 / Andreea Stan, Mădălina Butac, Violeta Alexandra Ion, Ioana Cătuneanu, Mihai Frîncu, Liliana Bădulescu / accepted;
  16. Minimal processing of organic apples by drying – Consumer general impression. Fruit Growing Research, vol. XXXVI / Andreea Stan, Mihai Frîncu, Marian Vintilă, Liliana Bădulescu / accepted;
  17. The influence of different storage methods on fruits quality of some sweet cherry cultivars. Fruit Growing Research, vol. XXXVI / Madalina Butac, Mihai Chivu / accepted;
  18. Preliminary results concerning organic plums dehydration. Fruit Growing Research, vol. XXXVI, 2020 / Mariana Toma, Simona Popescu, Marian Vintilă, Daniela Moise, Veronica Tănasa, Lucian Dumitrescu / accepted.


The implementation stage of the project is in accordance with the calendar of activities provided in the Implementation Plan – Annex II.b to the Financing Contract no. 12PCCDI / 2018, stage no. 3 of the project being fully realized, without requiring modifications, fully achieving the proposed objectives


Project manager contact details

PhD. Mădălina Butac

Tel: +40-248-278066;
Fax: +40-248-278477